William John Wither: EXILE Quarterly 42.2 – “The Bulbous It With No Eyelids” a reading

“The glue on her alarm clock held as she turned it off; its spirit level pooled to one side as it passed the point of silence. As she leaned up, she leaned back so as to not fall into the distant corner of the room. The waxing angle left almost nothing shifted. Everything had been bolted in its proper place. Even the glass she took to bed was still nestled into the deep plastic well affixed to the bed’s side; a sippy cup top containing the viscous content from splattering into the seams of the floor…”

File: The_Bulbous_It_With_No Eyelids_Exile_Quarterly_42.2

William John Wither is a speculative fiction writer living in London, Ontario. He is the lead game designer of IMPACT: A Foresight Game, and a co-founder of The C Word, a fringe card company for the lovingly depraved. He currently works with start-ups in the future-of-food space, while continuing to write short stories about the future and its many dystopic themes.

You can find all of this issue’s contributor audio and video links at: http://www.exilequarterly.com/exile-quarterly-42-2-author-audio-video-links/

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