From the feature section Fairy Tale Transformations, introduced by Derek Newman-Stille. Three short fiction works by Kate Story, Sean Moreland, and Rati Mehrotra.
“Born out of oral narrative, fairy tales are magical spells that change the way we think, showing us that traditions are meant to be changed as new ideas spark and flow around them.”
Kate Story of Peterborough is a writer and performer, and a Newfoundlander living in Ontario. Her first novel Blasted received the 2009 Sunburst Award’s honourable mention, and she is the 2015 recipient of the Ontario Arts Foundation’s K.M. Hunter Award for her work in theatre. Her short stories have been published in World Fantasy-nominated and Aurora Award-winning collections, and Exile Quarterly (aka ELQ). Her third novel, This Insubstantial Pageant, was published in 2017; the Toronto Star named it a “top science-fiction read…exotic, funny and very sexy.” Her first young adult fantasy novel Antilia: Sword and Song came out in 2019.
You can find all of this issue’s contributor audio and video links here: