“EXILE is outstanding among North American journals.” —Joyce Carol Oates
In our 50 years we have presented over 3,000 contributions by Canada’s best emerging, mid-career, and established writers and artists – alongside selections of international talent – with no advertising in our pages, just cover-to-cover literary and visual enjoyment.
We are a reader-supported organization, so that we are able to pursue our editorial and creative aspirations without any influence (interference!) from the Canada or Ontario Arts Councils’ core publishing programs, thus ensuring that our integrity is in no way compromised by their “social engineering” ideologies.
To maintain our community-based/supported operations, we simply ask those new to our publishing experience to participate with a $175 commitment to the future of EXILE:
1) Purchase an initial two-year subscription ($75) which, come year three, will continue FREE for as long as you would like to receive the magazine;
2) Make a simultaneous charitable donation ($100, for which you will receive a charitable tax receipt);
3) After that: Enjoy EXILE for life! Our only ask going forward is for you to consider making a donation to our community project, in any amount you are comfortable with, whenever and/or as often as you feel you would like to.
Have a question? email: admin@exilequarterly.com
Each issue of EXILE showcases creative excellence, diverse voices, and the promotion of free speech, so we may create a vibrant culture and enjoyable reading experience through advancing engagement in the literary and visual arts across Canada.
The Excelsis Group supports copyright: it fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for purchasing authorized copies of our magazine and for complying with copyright laws.