Volume 13.2


Mihály Kornis (f) | Petition / 5
Jean Joubert (p) | Four Poems / 10
Leon Rooke (f) | The Heart Must from Its Breaking / 14
John Montague (p) | The Hill of Silence / 30
M.A.C. Farrant (f) | Philosopher’s Mix / 38
Alexandre Amprimoz (f) | Apterygota / 40
Roland Giguère (p) | Redon’s Easel / 55
Iván Mándy (f) | Night of the Sweat Soaked Shirt / 69
Hillary Davies (p) | Three Poems / 86
Rita Tornborg (f) | Kajamec / 89
Tim Lilburn (p) | Five Poems / 95
Joe Rosenblatt (p) | The Kissing Goldfish of Siam / 103
Cover Illustration by Lou Luciani

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